class DebuggerBase : Thread,
Debugger {
bool _runRequested;
bool _stopRequested;
BlockingQueue!Runnable _queue;
ExecutionStatus _status;
int _exitCode;
DebuggerCallback _callback;
string _debuggerExecutable;
bool _threadStarted;
A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
- __anonymous
mixin ExecutableParams
provides _executableFile, _executableArgs, _executableWorkingDir, _executableEnvVars parameters and setter function setExecutableParams
- __anonymous
mixin TerminalParams
provides _terminalExecutable, _terminalTty, setTerminalExecutable, and setTerminalTty
- isMagoDebugger
bool isMagoDebugger [@property getter]
returns true if it's mago debugger
- execStart
void execStart()
can be called after program is loaded
- execContinue
void execContinue()
- execStop
void execStop()
- execPause
void execPause()
- execStepOver
void execStepOver(ulong threadId)
- execStepIn
void execStepIn(ulong threadId)
- execStepOut
void execStepOut(ulong threadId)
- execRestart
void execRestart()
- setBreakpoints
void setBreakpoints(Breakpoint[] bp)
update list of breakpoints
- requestDebugContextInfo
void requestDebugContextInfo(ulong threadId, int frame)
request stack trace and local vars for thread and frame